A new version of the ThreatCrowd API is now available on Github, the details of the earlier version are left below.
In response to requests, a beta Search API for ThreatCrowd is now available.
The Search API is designed to return search results - it does not provide any detail.
For detail please review the search results, or APIs (such as VirusTotal , TotalHash and PassiveTotal).
Maltego Transforms
You can download pre-built Maltego transforms from http://threatcrowd.blogspot.co.uk/p/threatcrowd-maltego-transform.html
Example Request
Example Response
MD5,ec8c89aa5e521572c74e2dd02a4daf78,http://malwr.com/analysis/YzIzMjkxYWE4N2I1NGFiY2JhZGViZDEyNWJkZWViZmI/ | |
MD5,3e6ed3ee47bce9946e2541332cb34c69,http://malwr.com/analysis/ZTQxZDhiMDMyMmQ0NDAxYWIxMDkzNzFjM2NkNDViMTA/ | |
MD5,7b42b35832855ab4ff37ae9b8fa9e571,http://malwr.com/analysis/ZDAyYmQ0MTEwN2VjNDYxNDg1NmU5MjkwZGIyOGY1NjY/ | |
MD5,871cc547feb9dbec0285321068e392b8,http://malwr.com/analysis/MDcwMGZhMzM5YTlhNDYxNjgxYjUxNTc2NTFmZTQwNzI/ | |
MD5,6a0280f169d233a0bdc81ee6a70ef817,https://totalhash.com/analysis/760f859ecf7839f6a53015666b10adaae5007ddc | |
MD5,86dd715a8d28788e68a575207d66df34,https://totalhash.com/analysis/351d61cb8d67f78c55149a878ef8d8197a4571f6 | |
MD5,ec8c89aa5e521572c74e2dd02a4daf78,http://malwr.com/analysis/YzIzMjkxYWE4N2I1NGFiY2JhZGViZDEyNWJkZWViZmI/ | |
MD5,3e6ed3ee47bce9946e2541332cb34c69,http://malwr.com/analysis/ZTQxZDhiMDMyMmQ0NDAxYWIxMDkzNzFjM2NkNDViMTA/ | |
MD5,7b42b35832855ab4ff37ae9b8fa9e571,http://malwr.com/analysis/ZDAyYmQ0MTEwN2VjNDYxNDg1NmU5MjkwZGIyOGY1NjY/ | |
MD5,871cc547feb9dbec0285321068e392b8,http://malwr.com/analysis/MDcwMGZhMzM5YTlhNDYxNjgxYjUxNTc2NTFmZTQwNzI/ | |
IP,, | |
IP,, | |
IP,, | |
IP,, | |
IP,, | |
IP,, | |
EMAIL,domains@virustracker.info, | |
EMAIL,william19770319@yahoo.com, | |
DOMAIN,media.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,e.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,finance.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,game.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,zone.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,share.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,update.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,flash.aoldaily.com, | |
DOMAIN,mail.aoldaily.com, | |
Further Examples
https://www.threatcrowd.org/ searchApi/v1/api.php?type=ip& query=
http://www.threatcrowd.org/searchApi/v1/api.php?type=ip&query=69.195.129. - Subnet search
https://www.threatcrowd.org/ searchApi/v1/api.php?type= email&query=william19770319@ yahoo.com
https://www.threatcrowd.org/ searchApi/v1/api.php?type=md5& query= ec8c89aa5e521572c74e2dd02a4daf 78
https://www.threatcrowd.org/searchApi/v1/api.php?type=domain&query=aoldaily.com&displayDates=true - Note that &displayDates=True is added here to display dates associated with DNS records
http://www.threatcrowd.org/searchApi/v1/api.php?type=ip&query=69.195.129. - Subnet search
https://www.threatcrowd.org/searchApi/v1/api.php?type=domain&query=aoldaily.com&displayDates=true - Note that &displayDates=True is added here to display dates associated with DNS records
Request Description
Where type is domain, ip, email, antivirus or md5.
The response is a CSV format with colums Type,Value,Result.
JSON results may be added at a later date.
Add &readOnly=true to prevent ThreatCrowd from enriching results (such as performing DNS requests). This may return less results, but may be preferable for OPSEC.
Add &readOnly=true to prevent ThreatCrowd from enriching results (such as performing DNS requests). This may return less results, but may be preferable for OPSEC.
API Requests are limited to 1 request every 10 seconds per IP.
This is subject to change, may be withdrawn, and is likely to be flaky.
I make no guarantees as to the availability or veracity.
All access to the server is logged.
Do you offer a private API?
No. ThreatCrowd is a non-commercial site and there is no-private API.
If you would like any extensions to the current API, please e-mail me at threatcrowd@gmail.com and I will see if I can extend it for all users.
Further Details
Please drop me a line on threatcrowd@gmail.com , @threatcrowd or @chrisdoman
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